Hours 11-7 Tuesday thru Friday, 10-6 Saturday

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Working to Sell Your Bike

Our consignment program is for bikes that are too nice or rare for us to give trade value for. There are a lot of bikes that fall into this category; unfortunately we have limited space, so we only carry a limited number of consignment bikes at a time.

If you're interested in consigning your bike, start the process by bringing your bike into the shop. Our mechanics will look at it and assess a few things:

When the bike sells we will mail you a check for 70% of the purchase price, minus the cost of that original consignment tune. You can expect the check in your mailbox within 45 days.

Trade credit for bikes and parts:

If you have bikes or parts you want get rid of, bring them to Recycled Cycles anytime we're open. We'll evaluate what you have and offer credit toward a purchase.

Note: In order to trade something to us you must have either proof of purchase, a Washington state ID, military ID, or passport, AND one other piece of ID.